Eduardo Ruman (In Memoriam)
Administrative And Entrepreneur
Denise Ruman
MTB - 0086489
The Biggest and Best International Newspaper for World Peace
Founder, President And International General Chief-Director :  Denise Ruman - MTB: 0086489 / SP-BRAZIL
Mentor of the Newspaper : José Cardoso Salvador (in memoriam)
Mentor-Director : Mahavátar Babají (in memoriam)

Política Internacional / 27/12/2017


MOHAMED KOUTA - PARTNER OF PACIFIST JOURNAL - CAIRO - President na empresa TEN ENERGY, Council Members na empresa Sustainable Development Commission e Ambassador na empresa Brazil Anterior: Persident ( Mermdo Internation Trading Company - Korea )

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Mohamed Kouta – President South America - Middle East-Africa - CEO - Al-Dwaliyah Marketing Co. IGI-BMC International Investment Group

Fonte Mohamed Kouta – President South America - Middle East-Africa - CEO - Al-Dwaliyah Marketing Co. IGI-BMC International Investment Group


Ph.D. Mohamed Kouta – President

South America - Middle East-Africa

CEO - Al-Dwaliyah Marketing Co.
IGI-BMC International Investment Group

Investment & Finance projects

About us and our activities in civil society and humanitarian

We work in human rights to support human rights and improve living standards by defending the interests of the marginalized, women, workers and the poor. We also seek to spread and consolidate the concepts of democracy in society and to develop and enforce relevant laws, especially women's empowerment and empowerment in various fields. Through cooperation with many NGOs and civil society organizations.

* Interested in human rights issues and the topics of democratic development and institutional reform in the authority bodies in the province of Gharbia in particular and the Delta in general because it is located in the center of the delta.

** We have a range of expertise and human resources with diverse experience both in the legal field and in the field of preparation of development and information studies. 3 advisors. 6 executive board of trustees with diverse legal, rights and media expertise and skills, as well as relations with partner institutions and associations in different governorates.

Objectives :

1. Achieving the principle of accountability and enhancing transparency.
2. Conduct field studies focusing on the community and its development in the field of human rights in general and the rights of women and workers in particular.
3. Disseminate and promote the culture of democracy and human rights.
4. Adopt projects to support women's political, economic and social capacities.
5. Enable women to participate effectively in political life, both at parliaments and local councils.
6. Raising citizens' awareness of legal rights and international agreements on human rights, especially women.
7. Training, educating and raising the awareness of civil society organizations and their workers on human rights.
8. Provide legal technical support to individuals, governmental and non-governmental bodies on issues of women, workers and human rights.
9. Seeking to integrate human rights curricula within the pre-university and university educational system.
10. Activating international conventions and covenants in support of human rights, especially women, workers and children, as well as raising citizens' awareness of them.
11. Urge young people and civil society organizations to cooperate in activating the role of youth and women in the development process.

The mechanisms followed by "we" in achieving its objectives:

1. To carry out projects to activate the principles of good governance for the sake of integrity, transparency and accountability.
2. To undertake projects that contribute to raising women's political and economic capabilities.
3. Media coverage and monitoring of violations of human rights and the conditions of women

and the problems of workers and facing them through legal means.
4. Conducting legal awareness campaigns to improve the political participation of women as well as raise awareness of human rights.
5. Issuing legal leaflets and pamphlets aimed at raising the legal culture of the members of society.
6. Preparing and implementing training courses, workshops, dialogues and conferences aimed at spreading the culture of human rights and activating the role of women and empowering them politically
8. Prepare legal and constitutional studies and researches and adopt reform of the legislative framework in the interest of citizens
Intellectual Reference:

The intellectual and legal reference is used multiple legal sources as the natural basis for establishing and applying the rule of law and raising the values ​​of right and equality, the most important of which are:
1. The Egyptian Constitution.
2. International human law.
3. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
4. International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
5. International Convention on Civil and Political Rights.
6. International Convention against Corruption.
7. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
8. Convention on the Rights of the Child

Activities and projects:

• Coalitions:

• We are a member of the Coalition with 8 leading organizations in the field of women to amend personal status laws in the Arab countries in 2010 with the partnership of the Center for Women's Issues

• We participated in coordination with the Maat Center for Juridical Studies in the formation of the "Decentralization Coalition" in partnership with (60) Egyptian NGO.

• We participated in preparing the civil society report on the comprehensive periodic evaluation of the human rights situation. We prepared a paper on the human rights situation in the Delta governorates.
• We are a member of the Egyptian Transparency Network and a member of the coalition of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
• Due to its contributions to the fight against corruption and human rights.
• Joined the Egyptian National Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue.
• We are a member of the independent network of Egyptian NGOs (Soutna) in the PDP.
• We are a member of the coalition of associations against human trafficking.
• We are a member of the network of social accountability in the Arab world.
• We are a member of the global organization of parliamentarians against corruption.
• We are a member of the coalition of Arab countries to combat corruption.

• Activities:

• In cooperation with the Maat Center for Juridical and Constitutional Studies, we evaluated the reaction of voters to the elections of the previous local councils in Gharbia Governorate 2008, which is part of the voter's vote project.

• We held training and technical assistance for women in the elections of the previous local councils in Gharbia Governorate 2008, which is part of the women's project in the local councils in cooperation with One World Development Foundation.

• Cooperation with the DISC Center in the project to promote transparency in three governorates of the Delta are Kafr El-Sheikh, Damietta and Gharbia 2008.

• We have signed a protocol of cooperation with the General Authority for Adult Education for Literacy as of 2009 and is still valid and open (100) a class of literacy eradication distributed in the villages of the Western province, as well as conducting an immediate examination at the level of the province of the institution.

• Cooperate with Johns Hopkins University for a "protection project" to build alliances to defend women in Egyptian courts, as well as apply the idea of ​​"legal clinic" to provide support

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